Pci Vendor/Device Database
Pci Vendor/Device Database

Category : Books And Reference,
Current Version : 0.1.4
Developer : Alexandros Schillings
Developer Email : [email protected]
Installs : 10,000+
Required Android Version : 1.6 and up
Reviews : 173
Score : 4.4
Size : 37k
Updated : March 5, 2011
Logo https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/HSQP8ySm6tQ3XrA8AV5Axewb-80RBsVMkBYrrwXxzTQtHxrvGRBGa3V2vwOcnj72wB0=w720-h310-rw
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This app is a database of PCI Vendor and Device IDs (VEN/DEV)

It can be used to find out which drivers you need to install to get a PCI card running based on the VEN/DEV strings that the OS reports.

The DB comes from: http://pciids.sourceforge.net/v2.2/pci.ids

The db is stored on the SD and is updated online.

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Please email me with any bugs/problems/feature requests. I cannot reply to market comments which can make debugging difficult.