Diseases Dictionary Medical
Diseases Dictionary Medical

Category : Medical,
Current Version : 2.2
Developer : Atomic Infoapps
Developer Email : [email protected]
Installs : 1,000,000+
Required Android Version : 4.1 and up
Reviews : 28345
Score : 4.5
Size : 7.8M
Updated : April 23, 2022
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Completely Offline & FREE medical dictionary app containing medical disorders & diseases with detailed definitions, symptoms, causes and treatment information.

This medical disease hand book can act as a clinical advisor for self diagnosis and can also be used to look up symptoms, diseases and treatment. Medical diseases dictionary free download is like a FREE Doctor at home for common diseases and treatment codes.

Diseases dictionary FREE - Medical App Features:
- Works Offline without internet.
- Detailed description of all major medical conditions and diseases.
- Information regarding treatment of diseases for all medical conditions and symptoms along with medication information, medication interaction and drug side effects.
- Medical reference book and thesaurus covering all medical terminologies and abbreviations.
- Prescription drug info along with pill description is provided in the treatment section.
- Physicians desk reference and pharmaceuticals dictionary.
- A handy free pocket guide for nurses for use as an emergency guide.

Who can use this free disease dictionary:
Healthcare professionals, pharmaceuticals, physicians, hospital nurses, medical students, nursing professionals, pharmacy, physician assistants and for students who work in clinical practice & dispensary.

This app cannot and should not replace a pharmacist or a doctor consultation. App content is only for pocket reference & educational purposes. Consult a doctor before actual usage of any of the information in this app.