Dinein Point Of Sale (Pos) Billing App
Dinein Point Of Sale (Pos) Billing App

Category : Food And Drink,
Current Version : 3.8
Developer : Digital Web Advisors Pvt Ltd
Developer Email : [email protected]
Installs : 50+
Required Android Version : 4.0.3 and up
Reviews :
Score :
Size : 15M
Updated : May 16, 2022
Logo https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/i2iYnf1dJWzvklA4lniMxLIz8V5sF4I1xVNSBf3n2dAehw4jUo1kf5wkRXW4NvWA4w=w720-h310-rw
Logo https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/48CkgSmMqR3UTUhnEioaS5IkK97WeBEaLUIpFGTdc2Hr8K4uohI3347vVlvRC6_0FVk=w720-h310-rw
Logo https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/i2iYnf1dJWzvklA4lniMxLIz8V5sF4I1xVNSBf3n2dAehw4jUo1kf5wkRXW4NvWA4w=w720-h310-rw
Logo https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/48CkgSmMqR3UTUhnEioaS5IkK97WeBEaLUIpFGTdc2Hr8K4uohI3347vVlvRC6_0FVk=w720-h310-rw
DineIn Point of Sale (POS) is a feature rich and easy to use DineIn restaurant app that allows you to manage and process customer orders. Some of the key features offered include :
1) Choose to work in any of the following formats
a) Central POS for managing customer's orders as well as billing
b) Distributed POS with each waiter carrying a POS for managing customer orders and have a centralized POS for billing
c) Distributed POS with each waiter carrying a POS for managing customer orders as well as billing
2) Supports multiple Kitchen printers
3) Preview order before printing
4) Allows a customer to make payment using multiple payment modes like Cash, Credit, Banks, Loyalty Points as well as Store Credit.
5) Support for Loyalty programs
6) Extensive Promotion support
and a lot more ...

Demo / Evaluation
If you are not an existing DWA Commerce customer and are looking to evaluate, please follow the steps below
1) Launch the app and you'll be taken to the settings screen.
2) On the GENERAL settings tab, update the # of tables you plan to manage in your Resturant.
3) Then go to the STORE tab and then click the Demo link [at the bottom of the screen - below the save button].
4) You will be now redirected to the Login Screen
5) Use the following (credentials if not prefilled) :
userID: demo
password: demo
Select a terminal from the drop down.
6) Click Login and you'll be logged into the app
7) Rest all is pretty self-explanatory, so please feel free to play around

Please feel free to contact us for any questions.