Hiit Timer, Interval Timer
Hiit Timer, Interval Timer

Category : Health And Fitness,
Current Version : 1.7
Developer : fitfit.am
Developer Email : [email protected]
Installs : 10,000+
Required Android Version : 4.1 and up
Reviews : 184
Score : 4.6
Size : 2.4M
Updated : January 6, 2019
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The first things you need while doing leg, butt, arm, abs exercises and boxing timer is the right timing. This interval timer will help you track your time while doing push ups, jump ropes, running and so on. Each second and minute counts in your way to your desired body. All you need to do is set the time and the rest is never your problem. In this hard work of shaping your body, burning fats and calories and getting fitter let the Interval-Timer be your trustworthy friend.