
Category : Game Music,
Current Version : 3.5.0
Developer : 김지섭
Developer Email : [email protected]
Installs : 5,000,000+
Required Android Version : 4.1 and up
Reviews : 102339
Score : 3.8
Size : 4.8M
Updated : June 23, 2018
Logo https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/oOTAgffQdZSEGgs6KJ3NOb_uLn34bD1ktxaFiCk62ZsbuXn4Y5D-xdlA7vW7K0UMXyw=w720-h310-rw
Logo https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/L4unoPjeV3UvFu7A3vdjOa9uxqiqlFNxBqGxsIlqWX40gGSLR5KKaZY1IKKQVU4q0jQ=w720-h310-rw
Logo https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/PErr08kYTas6y12JTYL0dg5If9gDkEdkhebu86z2R87Qt-cR_qRwRYekFi2sA99buFY=w720-h310-rw
Logo https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/tF2IOo11SVhjHSQpvwlrMRXkREghbwesMkdQ5L2szfSc8bg_QMlTLN9sOt-EQeXV1us=w720-h310-rw
Logo https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/-hSi1eL4ejZybhj72Rw9wVbUSwrxR3q6ofBB2ANK5vzg8EBkxVNHQ7DEY0VY8nLu63k=w720-h310-rw
The UniPad is a new form of rhythm game based on the Launchpad that plays the song by pressing the button.

Key features
- Enjoy a wide range of content with over 40 base songs.
- Create your own project files.
- Features that play automatically and help you practice are built.
- You can make your own unique unipad by coating it with skin.
- The launchpad and midi equipment can be connected with app.

※ Access authority information
- [Requirement] Storage: Used to store project files containing sound sources and various information