Rain Craft Castle Fun
Rain Craft Castle Fun

Category : House And Home,
Current Version : 65
Developer : Loco Craftman Studio
Developer Email : [email protected]
Installs : 1,000,000+
Required Android Version : 5.0 and up
Reviews : 7654
Score : 3.7
Size : 182M
Updated : April 27, 2022
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Hi builders, exploration imagination infinity world, building Your own castle, houses from a simplest cubes, You will have to create all the materials so that in each of these towers you can build something with them: stone floor and stairs for one tower, wood walls with wooden support or metal panels; chests were made as well enough spaces or doors are provided there. Create magnificent paradise, craft block from earth build a fictional fun on mini world with multiplayer mode, weather ready for rain, and you can survival war with zombie, without fear to survive or get rid of it in case there is some fire nearby! You can gather resources like food, water, clothing or any amount-of items that give bonuses such as weapons, armor etc. Explore some dungeons with new types enemies and it's possible to harvest the food your farm might produce if its raining while farming