Explain Medicine
Explain Medicine

Category : Medical,
Current Version : 1.0.7
Developer : Medical Joyworks LLC
Developer Email : [email protected]
Installs : 100,000+
Required Android Version : 4.4 and up
Reviews : 2121
Score : 4.6
Size : 11M
Updated : August 24, 2020
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Explain Medicine is a reliable and easily accessible medical article repository, serving as a rapid refresher for healthcare professionals and students keen on evidence-based knowledge.

In Explain Medicine, facts and their explanations are directly backed by citations to papers in peer-reviewed journals or standard textbook chapters, making the reference tool a must-have for even the most time-pressed and demanding clinicians.

To date, Explain Medicine holds more than 700 articles, in 40 medical specialties, available to readers - all free of charge. It is an ongoing endeavor, with new content being added all the time, thanks to the contributions of a team of over 100 doctors.