Hong Kong Style Mahjong 3D
Hong Kong Style Mahjong 3D

Category : Game Board,
Current Version :
Developer : PS Games
Developer Email : [email protected]
Installs : 50,000+
Required Android Version : 6.0 and up
Reviews : 323
Score : 3.4
Size : 198M
Updated : March 28, 2022
Logo https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/iJFTevzGXWV2hWrDPq-JCwgAGaERQ9ZM3Tcci51FFOYHlkOk4RwAE_MF89S5f_PL4g=w720-h310-rw
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Hong Kong Style Mahjong is the predominant style of Mahjong played in countries around the world. This is the most authentic version of Mahjong according to Hong Kong Rules.

Learn Mahjong today, this is a four player strategy game, and not simple solitaire. Challenge your mind. Mahjong has been proven to help with memory retention and delay the onset of age related memory loss.

The Hong Kong Style Mahjong experience you are used to, with immersive 3D experience.

* Authentic Hong Kong rules
* Pick from different game types
* Flowers optional
* Leaderboards and Achievements
* MULTIPLAYER Cross Platform support

Known Issues (we are currently on weekly updates)
- Multiplayer Feathering on display - FIXED
- Multiplayer Facebook ID and not Name - FIXED
- Multiplayer Dice animation wrong - FIXED
- Round wind bonus missing sometimes

Please support this new release of Mahjong. We are actively working to develop this app further, but we need your support and constructive feedback.