Tuffle Gamepad : Pc Game Controller
Tuffle Gamepad : Pc Game Controller

Category : Tools,
Current Version : 1.2
Developer : Tuffle
Developer Email : [email protected]
Installs : 10,000+
Required Android Version : 7.0 and up
Reviews : 198
Score : 2.6
Size : 5.8M
Updated : June 5, 2021
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World's most precise and lag-free mobile gamepad app for Android.

Made for gamers, by gamers.

Tuffle Gamepad: PC Game Controller gives you the chance of playing your favourite pc games like Cyberpunk 2077, Gta 5, NFS, Forza Horizon, WWE, RDR2, Grid Autosport, FIFA, EA Cricket and many more with the help of your mobile phone. We believe in innovation and finding new ways of doing things and so we came up with the idea of a mobile game controller so that you can play computer games with mobile.

User Guide: https://www.tuffle.net/post/how-to-use-tuffle-gamepad

1. Wireless
2. Stunning User Interface ( UI )
3. Supports nearly every game
4. Great Response Rate
5. Easy to use.
6. More on the way....

Development and UI : Dhananjay Puranik

Supporting Desk:
Desktop: Apurva Yadav
Android: Jayant Shakya
Web and Graphics: Shravan Malviya