Life’s best experiences are found on UNATION. With thousands of events to discover, you can use UNATION to find fun things to do near you – concerts, nightlife, restaurant specials, festivals, date night ideas, and more.
Meet your new event finder. UNATION is the trusted source for finding things to do in each of our curated cities. Events are not only user-generated, but also hand selected by our curators, guaranteeing we present you with the best events in your area. UNATION is your go-to event app for local happenings.
Currently curating events in Tampa Bay, St. Pete, Clearwater, Sarasota, Lakeland, Orlando, Daytona, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Atlanta, Nashville, Jacksonville, Charlotte, Raleigh, Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Pittsburgh, Memphis. Philadelphia, and their surrounding areas, but available everywhere.
Do you find yourself thinking “I can’t find things to do near me?” UNATION’s got you covered. Never again will you have to wonder about what things to do when you’re bored.
DISCOVER Searching for events nearby? Want to find events this weekend? Use UNATION to find events in your city.
CREATE Looking to get your event in front of more people? Download UNATION and easily create events for others to discover.
SELL TICKETS Need a faster and more cost-effective way to sell tickets? Event-goers can purchase tickets directly form the app.
PROMOTE Want to be one step ahead of the others? Download UNATION, create an event and share it everywhere. By simply creating your public event on UNATION, you will have tons of extra traffic just from our users seeing it. Plus, you can get even more exposure by allowing our promotion experts to drive more traffic to your event than ever before.
FOR EVENT LOVERS • Easily find local events. • Share events with your friends. • Connect with others around events. • Relive events with photos of your experience.
FOR EVENT CREATORS • Use our fast, easy, and cost-effective ticketing solution for your next event. • Target users interested in events like yours. • Promote your event to exponentially more people looking for things to do.
Don’t see any happenings in your area? Give us a little time, we’ll be in your city soon, and before you know it you’ll find fun things to do nearby. In the meantime, feel free to take on your city. Go ahead, start creating and sharing your own events.