Wifi Speed Test Pro
Wifi Speed Test Pro

Category : Tools,
Current Version : Varies with device
Developer : Zoltán Pallagi
Developer Email : [email protected]
Installs : 1,000+
Required Android Version : Varies with device
Reviews : 296
Score : 4.2
Size : Varies with device
Updated : February 27, 2022
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Wifi Speed Test app is a wifi speed and local network (LAN) speed meter. The best speed test for your Ethernet network!

Pro features:
✓ Ad free
✓ iperf support
✓ You can enable zoom in/out in the graph (visualization)
✓ You can change the default time frame in the graph to see more data

Main Features:
✓ Test the speed of wireless and wired networks
✓ Test the Download and Upload Speed
✓ Save the past results of Wifi speed test automatically, including download and upload speed, ping, signal strength, network name, IP address
✓ Display IP address, network information, latency, signal strength, channel information
✓ Easy sharing of speed test results
✓ Test Windows share (SMB, Samba) speed
✓ Test the speed of FTP server
✓ Test can be done via TCP or UDP
✓ Internet speed test
✓ Tethering and hotspot support
✓ Easy sharing of test results

If you want to test the network speed between two devices you need to have a second phone or computer to use it as server!
You can download the server application (wifi_speed_test.exe/py) to your computer from here: https://bitbucket.org/pzolee/tcpserver/downloads

Important: This is not an Internet speed test app! (however you can test the Internet speed as well, but this is optional)
This application will measure the speed of your local network,
live Internet connection is not required.

Useful links:
Server application for computers: https://bitbucket.org/pzolee/tcpserver/downloads/
Documentation: http://pzoleeblogen.wordpress.com/2013/11/26/wifi-speed-test-for-android-how-to

Online demo about the usage: http://pzoleeblogen.wordpress.com/2014/03/09/wifi-speed-test-for-android-live-demo